You are always welcome to contact us if you want to know more about the breed, our dogs and/or are interested in knowing about our puppy plans. The first contact can be either by e-mail, direct message/text message (sms) or via instagram.
Once we have established connection, both parties have the possibility to determine whether we are a good match, i.e. whether we are the right breeder for you and whether you are the right buyer for one of our puppies.
As breeders we spend much of our time around our puppies and get to know their personalities and potential differences in temperament better than anyone else. This is the reason why you as a prospective puppy buyer do not get to choose your own puppy. We put in a lot of our time to evaluate each puppy in order to hopefully pair the right puppy with the right buyer. Besides personality evaluation, our puppies undergo BEAR hearing test before they move to their new homes. A reliable BAER hearing test can not be performed until the puppy has reached the age of 6 weeks. Typically we do not start to pair puppies and buyers until the puppies are close to 7 weeks old. As a buyer you decide whether you wish a boy or a girl and it may be helpful if you let us know any potential preferences within a litter. Should we have several similar puppies we may be able to fulfill your wishes.
All our puppies come with lifetime support and as our puppy buyer you can always contact us for help and advice regarding your puppy/dog. We also invite all our puppy buyers to join our private Facebook group. Within this forum you can ask questions and/or read previous discussions, get valuable tips and advice, connect with other Teasmade English Setters owners, share photos of your English Setter(s) and your every day life with dog(s).
When the puppies are ready to move they are:
- Registered with the Swedish Kennel Club
- BAER hearing tested
- Fully insured from birth until delivery (latent defects insurance lasting 3 years/dolda fel försäkrade i 3 år)
- Regularly dewormed
- Examined by a veterinarian within the last 7 days prior to purchase
- Microchipped (ID-marked), internationally accepted chip
- Vaccinated against parvo, distemper, liver disease and parainfluenza
- Regularly bathed and groomed
The puppy comes with:
- Registration certificate from the Swedish Kennel Club (stamtavla)
- Vaccination scheme
- BAER hearing test result
- Information from the Kennel Club (in Swedish for Swedish speaking buyers)
- Veterinary examination certificate (not older than 7 days)
- Puppy food (kibble) of the brand your puppy has been eating with us
- Care instructions
- Lifetime support
Puppies moving outside Sweden may, depending on destination, need additional vaccinations (for instance rabies and/or leptospirosis) and need additional deworm treatment (for instance Echinococcus) and may need additional examination by a veterinarian. Puppies subject to export will also need and a passport and an export pedigree (if moving outside Scandinavia).
We sell our puppies in accordance with the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) regulations and we use their purchase agreement in it’s original version (also available in English).

Can we buy a puppy from kennel Teasmade?
Please reach out to us via email ( or DM on Instagram (@kennelteasmade) and share some information about yourself (and potential family) and what you know about English Setters and what you can offer a puppy from us.

Do you have a puppy waiting list?

At what age do you sell the puppies?
Not before they reach the age of 8 weeks.

What vaccinations do you give your puppies?
Our puppies are vaccinated against parvo, distemper, liver disease and parainfluenza (and rabies and leptospirosis if applicable).

Do you sell puppies to other countries?
Yes we do.

Do you ship international?
Yes but we do however prefer that buyers collect their puppy at our home or Arlanda International airport. In some cases we are also able to personally deliver to your country.

How many litters do you have per year?
In average 1-2 per year.

How much is one of your puppies?
3000 – 4000 EUR

What expectations do you have on your puppy buyers?
We only place our puppies in loving forever homes where the puppy/dog will be living his/her life as a very much loved family member. We do not require that buyers attend field trial tests, dog shows or other competitive activities or use their dog for hunting but we do expect that buyers have sufficient time for their dog, provide suitable exercise and activity, understand that the coat, ears, teeth and nails needs regular care and grooming and that the dog will not be left alone for longer periods than 4 consecutive hours as a grown up (preferably less).

Where are you located?
We live in Uppsala (1 hour north of Stockholm), Sweden.

Is there an international airport close to your kennel?
Yes, Arlanda international airport (ARN) is just a 30 min drive away from us.

At what age can I visit the puppies?
You can visit the puppies from the time they are about 5 weeks old. All visits need to be booked in advance.

What health tests have you performed on your breeding stock and the puppies?
Most of our current breeding stock is BAER hearing tested. Dogs with impaired hearing verified by BAER test are not used in our breeding program. Most of our current breeding stock has also been gene tested for Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) and Rod cone degeneration 4 progressive retinal atrophy (rcd4-PRA) or are hereditary free of these diseases. All dogs tested are free of these diseases (i.e. non-carriers). All our adult breeding stock have been hip x-rayed and most of them also elbow x-rayed (both x-rays done after the age of 1 year). All puppies are BAER hearing tested prior to being sold. Health test results for each dog in our breeding stock can be found separately (see ‘our dogs’ page).

What type of and how much exercise does an English Setter need?
The English Setter should not be exercised when still growing. We recommend to wait until the dog is about 1-1.5 years old before you gradually add exercise such as running, biking etc. Puppies should never be forced beyond their own capacity but should preferably run and play with other dogs of similar size. The adult English Setter will benefit from regular exercise and they usually love running. Both puppies and adult English Setters need mental stimulation. For instance nose work (tracking, searching, hunting) and obedience/agility practice will support their well being. The English Setter usually loves to run free / off leash and should, if possible, be given the chance to do so regularly.

What type of food do the puppies eat?
They eat dry food (kibble) of high quality. They also receive various supplements such as fresh meat, egg yolk, rice, vegetables, fruits, oil etc.

How do I care for an English Setter?
The English Setter has a long silky coat that needs regular care (weekly brushing is a minimum) and grooming (several times a year). Teeth, claws and ears need regular attention.

What is the size of an adult English Setter?
According to the breed standard:
Dogs: 65-68 cm (25,5-27 in). Bitches: 61-65 cm (24-25,5 in).
Our dogs tend to be on the smaller side.
Teasmade dogs: 61-64 cm (24-25,2 in), weight 27-33 kg (59-71 lb)
Teasmade bitches: 57-61 cm (22-23,2 in), weight 21-26 kg (46-55 lb)

I have never met an English Setter. Can I come and visit yours?
We receive so many requests from families wishing to visit us and our setters that we no longer have the ability to welcome everyone or we’d not be able to make enough time for our dogs and our children. We’d be happy to meet with you at dog shows we’re attending. Please get in touch to find out which dog shows we’re attending in the near future.

What coat colours do the English Setter display?
The three most common coat colors are: blue belton (black and white), orange belton (orange and white) and tricolor/blue belton and tan (black and white with tan markings). The English Setter also comes in the following less frequent colors; liver belton, liver belton and tan and lemon belton.